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    eSign based E-Mandate

    Soft-Tech Solution has developed eSign based eMandate solutions for sponsor and destination bank. MMS is a payment service initiated by RBI and NPCI for banks & corporate customers. It provides the underlying infrastructure for businesses to collect recurring payments in India. SOFTTECH eSign based e-Mandate validator tool provide the platform for verification of inward eMandate by Aadhaar number and Sign & verify digital signature. The system will leverage on Core Banking Solution (CBS) of participating banks for initiation of mandates and posting of transactions. NPCI will be running the centralized services.

    Advantages of E-Mandate

    Advantages of E-Mandate :

    • No Hassle : e-Mandate saves you the hassles of finding the time and making such payments which are instead, automated.
    • Saves Time : It saves precious time. The fact that you get notified of your payments as and when they are remitted should keep your worries away.
    • Eliminates Confusion : When you have automated your payments through an eMandate, the transaction history is given to you in detail which can be fallen back upon should there be any confusion. eMandate has already proven to be a more efficient and easy alternative.
    • Pan Indian Presence : You might live in Mumbai but have an obligation to make payments in Bengaluru, eMandate comes to your rescue in this case as you only have to draft a mandate, upload it here and eSign it off to your bank.
    • Keeps You Informed : You are kept informed about the transaction history helps you focus on your more important priorities.
    Advantages of E-Mandate

    Key Features :

    • Easy and Fast Integration
    • User-Friendly System Reduces Manpower Costs
    • Automation Process Monitoring.
    • Auto Risk Protection Monitoring.
    • Improved Efficiency and Faster Processing of Cases.

    If you are interested in our Front end development services, please contact us on

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