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    Helpdesk Ticketing Tool

    Helpdesk Ticketing Tool

    Soft-Tech Solution developed "Complaint/Helpdesk ticketing Tool '' for various business, that helps your organization to improve the way to give support to customers as well as manage internal IT-services support. We have currently 30+ installation in banks & other industries.

    As per RBI Guideline, Banks should have a support system for their customers to manage their issues, Soft-Tech ticketing Tool will provide a platform for banks to manage customer services issues.

    Benefits of helpdesk ticketing tool

    Key Features :-

    • Bank is implementing this enhancement to support our effort and desire to continue the delivery of high-quality service to you promptly.
    • Banks can use it for managing their internal IT services support or external customer services support issues.
    • Using the self-service catalog provides Bank users or Bank's customers with the ability to create and submit incident requests quickly.
    • The tool allows Bank users/Bank's customers to track submitted tickets, updates on the status, as well as an estimated resolution timeline.
    • Bank Users/Bank's customers will be able to see their service request history.
    • The Bank IT team is able to analyse tickets to generate MIS for Management.

    If you are interested in our Front end development services, please contact us on

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