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    About Positive Pay Intimation Solutions

    SOFT-TECH providing solutions for cheque Positive Pay Customer Intimation Solutions, where bank’s customer can able to submit online intimation request of issues cheque to their bank. We have Web & Mobile app-based PPS solutions for submit cheque issues data by online and branch channel.

    Features of CRMS

    Our Solution having following features

    • Solutions hosting facility own premises OR cloud based.
    • Platform independent for uses and deployment
    • Admin panel for configuration and setup the solutions.
    • Branches access panel for PPS registration.
    • Bulk PPS request import facility.
    • Mobile app for Bank’s customer for request initiating of PPS
    • Web Site Link for Bank’s customer for request initiating of PPS
    • Miscall / IVR / Long Code based request initiating options of PPS
    • SMS alert integrated for alert to customer.
    • Generate NPCI given format file for Upload in NPCI PPS system
    • Many kinds of Reports
    • Online request accepts by mobile app, web portal, bulk upload, long code, short link by miscall/IVR etc…
    • And many more….

    If you are interested in our Front end development services, please contact us on

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